About us


MELU is a family company that was established in 1933 by Rajmund Selišnik and is naw leaded by third generation of joiners.

The company consists of two facilityes - of sawmill where the intermediate products are produced and of main facility with final production. The closed production circle enables us to control quality trough whole production process and because of that we can ensure high quality doors. Company employes 35 joiners-specialists in manufacturing of internal doors in all types of wood.

We encourage our specialists to think creatively and are prepared to tackle even the most dificult technological challenges. Our corporate structure puts us in a position to react flexibly and gives us possibility to transform ideas into effective results. We also invest in modernisation. New machines improve the production processes and make work easier.

Our goal is to produce the best possible quality and offer effective support for our customers.

Solid doors are manufactured in standard sizes as well as according to customer specifications. Te selection of products also includes folding doors, slidin doors, windbreaks and wall coverings.

The doors have been designed for customers who value natural materials, strenght and beauty in their homes. Solid doors are always unique, not eaven two laminations of wood are the same


The joinery MELU follows to sustainable policy. Care for quality already starts in grow phase-high quality product has to be made of healthy tree. In the contaxt of invironmental production MELU implemented cosed production system in frame of which we eliminate waste by producing sub-products- briquetts and pellets for heating.

Joinery MELU uses only natural materials, also adhesives and colours are water-based. In the context of further development we plan to attain an invironmental certification - FSC which will enable our customers traceability of products-frm beginnning to the end.

SQ Certifikat

Certifikat SQ

Rajmund Selišnik

Alojz Selišnik Sr.

Alojz Selišnik Jr.

Matija Selišnik

Blaž Selišnik


door models


doors sold


satisfied customers

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